Samantha Fields


Samantha Fields - Ecstasy and Common Sense

"I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books.  As a result, you are too old for fairytales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still; but someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”                                                                                                                                                                                  --C.S. Lewis


When I was five, I remember sitting on the church steps waiting for a ride home, and having a conversation with God.  It did not seem strange at the time to be hearing and responding to God.  I grew up quickly, and this voice didn’t return until I was much older.

I am drawn to the idea of the reality behind things--the metaphysical reality behind the reality that I see; the emotion/thought behind an action; truth or fiction behind a memory--and the place where realities converge:  the space between.  There is some sort of transformation or transmutation that takes place here.  This is the place where I find magic making itself present in the mundane, where the nature of a thing may be revealed.

I have a personal attachment to the materials I use:  afghans, plastic beads, pipe cleaners, yarn, glitter, etc.--.  When I was young, I would make arts and crafts with my mom.  She was my brownie troop leader for about a year, and the only badge we earned that year was our crafts badge.  These memories are also part of a time when magic was real to me, before I understood dysfunction.  I am now at the age where I feel as if I have come full circle and magic is real again and I am old enough to read fairytales. This realization is not out of some denial of reality but because of a glimpse into what is behind, glimpse of the space between.