Jodi Colella Price list
Epithelia (two pieces), 10"x10", 2012, $550.
Impulse, 75"x24"x24", 2012, $6,000. For details see below:
detail of Impulse
detail of Impulse
What Looks Like an Elephant, 20"x27"x18, 2012, $2,800.
Marrow, 8"x22"x6", 2012, $2600.
Blast, 31"x24"x22", 2012, $2800.
Mesothelia, 8"x7.5"x5", 2012, $700.
Hive detail, varied sizes, NFS
(More images to be added)
NK Gallery
450 Harrison Avenue #61
Boston MA 02118
Gallery hours Wed- Sat 11am – 4pm