On this page is work that involves the the body, whether human or not; whether simply as a quick sketch from life, or a more complex figurative work. In a sense most work is ‘figurative’ except perhaps the color field works in art history. Below are the more specific project links related to my figurative work. This page is still under construction.

FACE AND PATTERN: The face as an expression of the patterns that exist in our lives.

SIMPLY FACE: the face is the most powerful icon in all of our lives. We are genetically programmed from birth to our respond to the human face. From short term model sketches, to the landscape of the human face, there is an infinity of exploration. Under construction. More to follow.

RITUAL OF GIVING: Initially my Ritual of Giving was a performative based conceptual work based on my belief that it is important to give and not always be thinking of what you can get. So the concept that I had discovered years earlier and labeled ‘the Actual Experience is the Work of Art’ which limited the object’s definition to the actual experiential process that the artist went through as they create work (which only the maker experiences), evolved to the performative that included others in the experience. Initially I used the sharing of food as the actual performative experience, but later I started creating portraits of individuals who would not otherwise have had their portrait done by an artist.

The BODY: The human body has been a common subject in art for decades. Much of my very early work when I was just learning where I wanted to go and how to get there in a sense involved the human form. However, the body has remained a subject for exploration all of my life.